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Thursday, July 1, 2010


OK, folks, I'm all about honesty here. I am SHOCKED that the scale read 287.0 today. I went in fully expecting to have gained at least 5 pounds. I'm a little bloated, and I've been eating pretty much whatever I've wanted for the last week or two. So, to hear that I've lost 2.4 pounds nearly floored me.

I've asked Joseph to be in prayer with me. I don't want to develop a complex that I can eat whatever I want and still lose weight. I know that isn't true. My bad choices most certainly will catch up with me.

Joseph was sweet today and reminded me that although we've made some bad choices lately, we're still doing better than we were. That was a good reminder for me. We're making progress. That was our biggest goal.

I'm down a total of 13.4 pounds. Weighing in at 287, I'm almost where I was when we started dieting last fall. Maybe in a couple of months I'll be where I was when we stopped dieting. I'm 1.6 pounds away from my 5% goal of 15 pounds (that's 5% of my starting weight). It's exciting to be so close!

Thanks again for your prayers and encouragement. They're much appreciated!


  1. Hang in there, girl! Many people are shocked that they lose weight better the MORE they eat. Granted, it needs to be calorie smart foods, not empty calories or whatever. I know when Seth woudl stall (and you've not really stalled), if he took a couple of days and ate whatever, it sort of kick-started his system again.

    Your hubby's right....the goal is not perfection, the goal is lifestyle change. It took you 20-whatever years to build these habits and views on eating, food, emotions, etc. It will take time (usually longer than we're really willing to give LOL) to change them and morph them.

    Don't let discouragement creep in, even in a fun "surprise" like this loss. It's a GREAT loss!!! Hang in there, keep taking things one day (or one minute LOL) at a time, and you guys will get there!

  2. I am so proud of you.....losing weight is certainly no easy accomplishment. I KNOW you can do it!

  3. It's been a month since the last ya' doing? :o)
