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Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 10: Meal Planning

Meal planning is one of those things I know I need to do, but I am so lazy about it. I need to meal plan to save money for our family (currently just Husby and me), and I need to meal plan so I'm prepared to make good decisions.

When I know we're eating tacos for dinner, and I know I have all of the ingredients at home, I'm less likely to purchase some type of convenience food at the last minute.

I don't have a very good system in place for meal planning. It usually consists of me sitting down on Sunday and thinking of a few meals I know how to cook and I know we like. I need to take my meal planning a step further and think about the nutritional value of what I'm preparing. Also, I need to think through how leftovers of that meal will work out calorically (is that a word? spell check says no, but I'm keeping it anyway) with the new meal I would prepare the next day.

Do you meal plan? Do you have a good system in place? I'd love some pointers!

Day 9: Why am I Eating?

This is a biggie. Why am I eating? If I would ask myself that every time I eat something, I'd probably start shedding pounds. Most of the time I eat isn't for nutrition.

I'm an emotional eater.

I'm sad. Oooh, I'm hungry. I bet ice cream will make me happy and not hungry.

I'm bored. Oooh, I'm hungry. Eating a bag of potato chips would give me something to do.

I'm angry. Oooh, I'm hungry. I could work out my aggression on some chicken wings.

See the pattern?

Why am I eating?

A simple question that could go a long way.

Why are you eating?

Previous Days:

Day 8: Food Journal

Most people who have been successful with weight loss will tell you they kept food journals. A food journal can be a very eye opening thing. "What? You mean I ate 4,000 calories today? I had no idea."

A food journal can also be a fairly simple thing. You could just write down what you ate. Sometimes, that's eye opening enough. Or you could write down the calories, fat grams, carbs, protein, etc. If you're trying to lose weight, that would probably be the most helpful.

I need to get into the habit of keeping a food journal again, and I need to use it as a tool for modifying my eating habits.

If you like all things digital, an excellent, free resource is My Fitness Pal. It has tons of foods already in its database, and you can add new ones. You can also track your exercise, weight, and measurements. There are mobile apps for smart phones as well, so you can track your food and exercise on the go.

Do you keep a food journal? What system do you use, paper or digital?

Previous Days:

Day 7: Accountability

Day 6 was about a support system. Accountability is linked very closely to that support system. In addition to needing people who will encourage me, I need people who will help me see where I'm slipping. I need people who will ask me the tough questions, expecting answers. People who will ask me what I ate for breakfast (sadly, I started out with candy corn and peanuts this morning). People who will ask me how many times I went to the gym last week (twice? I think.). Then they'll take their questions a step further. When I answer that I ate candy corn and peanuts for breakfast, they'll ask me what changes I need to make so I'll make a better decision next time.

I've been afraid of accountability in the past, mostly because I didn't really want to give up my addiction. I hated it when I would ask someone to hold me accountable and the person had the nerve actually to do it. I tell ya. Some people.

I'm at a point now where I know I won't overcome this sin without accountability. Similar to my support system, I'm going to be praying about a couple of people who can hold me accountable. They need to be people I trust, people I know love me and are holding me accountable because they want me to be more like Christ.

Do you have people in your life who hold you accountable? What does that look like in your life?

Previous Days:

Day 6: Support System

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." ~ Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV)

One of the challenges I've had with trying to lose weight over the years is the fact that I try to do it all on my own. I don't really like to talk to people about my diet and exercise program (blogging doesn't count, because I'm not looking at you right now). I think it's because I'm embarrassed that I'm so overweight, and I'm even more embarrassed when I'm not sticking to my diet and exercise program. I don't like to talk about things that embarrass me. Do you? Probably not. I doubt anyone really enjoys it.

The thing is, I need people on this journey with me. I need people encouraging me. So do you! We've talked a lot about community in church over the past couple of months, and I've been reminded more and more how important it is to do life with other people - especially the tough parts of life. For me, my sin issues with food are a tough part of my life.

I need to pick my support system with prayer and thoughtfulness. Because this is such a sensitive area in my life, I don't want my support system to be just anyone. I want other believers to come alongside me and encourage me with God's Word. I need people to remind me who I am in Christ, to preach the Gospel to me regularly, and to pray for me. Those will be very special people. I think I know who they are. I just need to pray for the courage to talk to them. That can be the hardest step!

Do you have a support system? Who are those people in your life? How have they been an encouragement to you?

Previous Days:

Day 5: Try Fasting About It

Wow, I have been slack! I knew I was a little behind, but I didn't realize I was 5 days behind. If you actually read this blog, I apologize in advance. There is a chance you're going to get 5 posts from me today.

The phrase "when you fast" is spoken by Jesus twice in Matthew 6:16-17. The fact that He said "when" and not "if" indicates that it's something that should be a part of our lives.

I'm going to be honest about two things: 1) I don't know a lot about fasting. It isn't a topic I've studied much in Scripture. 2) I haven't had much success with fasting in the past, meaning I don't typically last the whole time I've set aside for fasting. I usually give in to the hunger.

I think point number two is connected to my problem with food. Eating something - anything - was more important to me than what I was fasting about.

I'm not going to do it today, but I would like to try fasting on occasion about my sin issues with food. I want to use that time to connect with the Lord, to remind myself that He is more important than my food addiction. I think it could be a very beneficial time for me.

Is fasting a part of your walk with the Lord? Have you ever fasted specifically about food issues? I'd love to hear from you!

Previous Days:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 4: Memorize Scripture

When I think of temptation, I think of Jesus spending 40 days in the wilderness, constantly being tempted by Satan. Each time Satan tempted Him, Jesus quoted Scripture to resist the temptation.

In Paul's letter to the Ephesians, he talked about putting on the full armor of God so we can stand firm against the devil. Our weapon is "the sword of the Spirit, which is God's Word" (Eph. 6:17). I don't think that means get out my biggest, heaviest Bible and throw it at what is tempting me (although, for some temptations, that might work!). I believe God is calling us to memorize Scripture so we'll have it accessible to us at all times. Temptation doesn't just present itself to us when we have our Bibles with us.

"Thy Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee." ~ Psalm 119:11 (I memorized that one in the King James Version when I was little.) Having Scripture memorized and recalling it during times of temptation guards us from sinning.

So what are some good Scriptures to memorize when waging the weight loss war (did you like that alliteration?)?

"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (The immediate context of these verses is sexual immorality, but I believe they apply to any sin involving the body.)

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

"My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips." Psalm 63:5

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

These can get you (me!) started. Do you have any verses you keep hidden in your heart for times of temptation?

I recommend Beth Moore's book, Praying God's Word. She has a chapter devoted to overcoming food-related strongholds. It applies to all eating disorders, not just overeating.

Previous posts in this series:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 3: Pray about My Weight Loss Regularly

I need to pray about my weight loss when I spend time with the Lord in the morning, but it doesn't need to stop there. I need to pray throughout the day, particularly when I'm faced with temptation.

For example: I'm standing in the kitchen with a chocolate chip cookie staring at me. I really want the chocolate chip cookie. Rather than just grabbing the cookie and gobbling it up (is anyone else craving a cookie now?), I stop and pray and ask God for wisdom about eating the cookie.

He may convict me on the spot and remind me that I don't need that cookie. He may help me realize that I'm not hungry, or I have a shiny apple two feet away, or a tall glass of water would hit the spot, etc. He may encourage me to walk away and find something to occupy my mind for a while (I'll talk more about that later). Or, He may give me a peace about eating the cookie. I bet you didn't think I'd say that, did you? I don't think there is anything wrong with eating a chocolate chip cookie. Eating a whole plate of chocolate chip cookies is where I have a problem!

Because I believe that God has already freed me from sin and given me power to walk in that freedom, I know He'll give me strength to resist temptation and wisdom to make good decisions. All I need to do is ask.

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him." ~ James 1:5

Previous posts in this series:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 2: Start My Day with the Lord

On day 1, I acknowledged that my obesity is a spiritual issue. If I'm going to battle my obesity and fight for my health, I need to start each day with the Lord. He is the one who will win this battle for me. In fact, He's already won it for me. I just need to remind myself of that! I need to dig deep into His word and remember that I don't have to be enslaved to food. He has already freed me from slavery to sin.

If I'm going to have the strength throughout the day to resist temptation, I need to start the day with the Lord. Then I need to talk with Him throughout the day. I need to recall to mind Scripture that I've read (there won't be any to recall if I haven't read any!), and I need to ask for help from the Holy Spirit.

For other Christians who have fought, or are fighting, this battle with food, do you have any passages of Scripture that you turn to for help?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 1: Acknowledge My Obesity is a Spiritual Issue

"My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips." ~ Psalm 63:5

I'm in the women's Bible study at my church. We're going through Breaking Free by Beth Moore. She included Psalm 63:5 during one of her lessons on being satisfied with the Lord. I felt convicted right away. If I were satisfied with the Lord to a greater degree than I find temporary satisfaction in food, there's no way I would be obese.

Rather than seeking satisfaction in the Lord over the years, I have sought satisfaction in food. I have used it for comfort and joy, and it has become a sinful addiction in my life. I am enslaved to it. I think about it all the time. I crave it. I live for it. Some of you probably know what I'm talking about, because you also think about food all the time, crave it, and live for it.

"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." ~ Galatians 5:1

Being enslaved to food is not what Christ wants for me! He wants so much more for me. He wants me to live an abundant life (see John 10:10), not an enslaved one. He already paid the price to set me free from slavery to sin.

There is so much hope for me (and you)! A food addiction is just like any other sin. Christ died to free me from it. The Holy Spirit resides in me and gives me the power to overcome it. It does not define me or the direction of my life. God is gracious, and I know He is going to use this time to sanctify me and draw me into a deeper relationship with Him, one in which He is all-satisfying.

Friday, September 30, 2011

31 Days to a Less Chubby Me

It's been a while since I've posted. A lot of that has to do with the fact that it's been a while since I've done much of anything that would help me lose weight. I'm hoping the month of October will be different.

The Nester mentioned a while back that she and several other bloggers are hosting a "31 Days" blogging event-type thing. That means a whole lot of people are going to be blogging about a whole lot of things for 31 days. I decided to join in.

My blog series is 31 Days to a Less Chubby Me. My approach won't be one of an authoritative voice on losing weight. Seriously, have you seen me lately? I am no authority on this subject. My approach will be to share 31 things I'm going to try, not even necessarily over the physical 31 days of October. Sometimes, trying to make too many changes at once results in making no life-long changes at all.

Perhaps you'll join me on this journey over the next 31 days. Even if you don't jump in and try anything for yourself, I'd love it if you'd pray for me. I know I need to make some changes in my life, and I'm hoping to springboard those changes through this blogging series.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

162 lbs to go

I updated the My Fitness Pal ticker at the top of my blog so that it will show how many pounds I have to go rather than how many I've lost. I think I knew in my head that it was a lot of weight. Still, somehow seeing it in the form of a ticker shocked me a bit. I've known I needed to lose "a whole person". It clicked just now that I need to lose "a whole overweight person". By God's grace and help from the Holy Spirit, I can do it!


I have not been trying to lose weight. I haven't been doing anything that would make that happen. I haven't been drinking enough water, eating the right foods, or exercising. Yet I still have regular thoughts about wanting to be a healthy weight, about not wanting to be so fat.

Kids openly picked on us for being fat one night. Did that motivate me? No.

I'm in the size clothing that I remember oh-so-vividly saying one day, "I hope I'm NEVER that big." Does that motivate me? No.

I'm on blood pressure and cholesterol medicine, and I'm only 29. Has that motivated me? No.

I'm uncomfortable in groups of people because I feel how big I am compared to them. Is that a motivator? No.

What's it going to take? When am I going to get this under control?

I've thought a lot lately about the spiritual aspects of my obesity, the fact that it's sinful for me to be out of control with my eating habits, giving in to glutony on a regular basis. I keep hoping that it will grieve my heart that I'm grieving God's heart by sinning continually in this way. It hasn't happened yet.

Pastor Charlie taught a great message out of 1 Corinthians on Sunday (they're always great). Toward the end of the message, he talked about self-control. He said that most of the time we think of self-control as having enough will-power not to do something. That's not the whole picture. A large part of self-control is wanting something else more. He talked about athletes training for the Olympics. They aren't tempted by a chocolate cake because winning a gold medal is of far greater value to them than the cake.

So I've been contemplating some things that are of greater value to me than out-of-control eating. Here are four things:

1) glorifying God with my body and my actions
2) having a healthy body so I can live a long life with my precious husband
3) being able to have children some day without complications caused by my obesity
4) traveling comfortably (airplanes just weren't made for obese people)

Please be praying that I'll think about these things as I'm tempted to overeat, as I'm tempted to be sedentary rather than exercising, as I'm tempted to drink soda rather than water. Please be praying that I'll stay focused on the big picture. If I can gain the four things I listed above, giving up my unhealthy eating habits isn't really a loss at all.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Yep. That's up 6 pounds since the last time I posted. Good grief. Oh, well. At least it's still down 11.2 pounds from when I posted in April.

You may have noticed the weight loss ticker at the top of the page. It says I've lost zero pounds because it's synced up with my My Fitness Pal account. I learned about My Fitness Pal when I was perusing someone else's blog. It's free, and it's easy to use. I can track the food I eat as well as the exercise I do.

One of my favorite things about My Fitness Pal is that at the end of the day it says something to the effect of "You will weigh X in 5 weeks if every day is like today." That number either goes up or down. After a day filled with not-so-good choices, I was shocked to see that I could gain over 12 pounds in 5 weeks if every day were like that day.

Joseph and I went to the gym today. We did cardio for 10 minutes and then did a round of weight machines. When we got home, we played Just Dance on the Wii for about 15 minutes. We we were worn out after just 15 minutes of dancing! Some people may be skeptical about a video game being a workout. I challenge them to play Just Dance!

We had a little incident last night that made me sad and gave me a little extra motivation today. We were picking up dinner to go at a Chinese restaurant, and there were two little kids playing as their mom prepared our food. They made fun of us for being fat. They held their arms out like gorillas and called us fat people. That made me really sad. It's been years since I've really been picked on like that, and I hope it never happens again. We live in a cruel world, not at all what God intended. Moments like that make me long for a sin-free world. Maybe I won't be so chubby when we get there. :O)