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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week 1 Weigh In

So I made it through my first week. I didn't even realize I was really jumping into this until a few days had gone by.  I'll try to sum up some things for you without you having to read a lot. I'll use bullet points to assist.

  • I decided to exercise on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I have no good excuses on those days, because I only have school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So far, I've exercised four times. That may be more than I've exercised all year. 
  • I've been using Walk Away the Pounds to exercise. I'll post about those videos one day. They're great for someone like me. And they're paid for (well, for me they are; if you don't own them already, they aren't).
  • My eating has been hit or miss. I've been logging it semi-consistently on My Fitness Pal. If I blew it at dinner, I didn't log it. I'll start doing better.
  • I really like My Fitness Pal, even more than I liked it before. If you want to be friends on MFP, look me up. My user name is chubbychelle. Just mention my blog, and I'll accept your request.
  • The book Made to Crave is on its way to me. I'm looking forward to reading it.
  • I've taken the stairs the last three times I've been to school. They hurt. I'm out of breath when I get to the top. I've been doing it anyway. But then I gave into peer pressure and took the elevator at church last night. Just being honest. Want to know what the peer pressure sounded like? "Going up?" Me: "Yep!" If any of your children are as weak as I am, please talk to them about drugs and peer pressure and stuff. Today. Seriously. Why are you still reading?
  • I actually sort of meal planned for us yesterday, and we actually bought groceries. I'm excited to try four new recipes this week. They're at least a responsible amount of calories per serving, so if they're yummy, I'll share them with you. 
  • I lost 5.1 pounds this week. 
After I posted last week, I kept thinking about "aha" moments and making this stick. And I kept thinking about my sin and God's grace. I thought about a lot of things. I think I'm arriving at a point where I know I just have to do this. I have to be obedient. Because God loves me so much and has been so gracious to me, I want to show my love to Him through obedience to Him. Sitting around and waiting for an "aha" moment was me just sitting around in my sin getting fatter and harder of heart (probably both spiritually and physically). 

He loves me in all of my 300+ pounds of fatty grossness, because I'm His. He's going to love me through all of my failings in this area, because I'm bought by a price, the blood of His precious Son. 

He loves you, too. Wherever you are. Is He calling you to be obedient in an area of your life? It may not be weight loss. It may be your finances or your tongue or how many hours a day you play Candy Crush (I picked things I'm struggling with so we could all still be friends at the end of this post). Whatever it is, talk to Him about it. He's a great listener. If you're a believer, ask God to help you walk in the grace, the self-control, the peace, the joy He's already given you as His child. He'll do it.

For anyone who is curious, here's what I looked like last Wednesday. I didn't take a picture today, because I still look like this. My plan is to take pictures every 10 pounds lost. Hopefully, I'll have another set of pictures for you in 2-3 weeks. Thanks for reading!

Side note: If you see me standing with my ankles rolled like that, please tell me to stop. Thanks!


  1. Good job!!! Keep it up!!! Have you read the Weigh Down Diet? It's good. I'm reading now. Haven't started yet, but reading.

    1. Gail, I haven't read it. Thank you for the suggestion!

  2. SOOOOO proud of you!!! Way to go my friend! Praying for can do it!

    1. Thank you, Michelle! You're one of my inspirations, but I'll be getting to that in a future blog post. ;O)

  3. Great job!!!

    I was to encourage you in one thing, though. I understand where you are coming from, but know that when God looks at you He doesn't see "fatty grossness." He sees beauty. And goodness. Not only because Christ is in you, but because He made you. You. Are. Beautiful.

    That's not an excuse to not take care of yourself. Use it as motivation to do just that! God what's us to love the things He loves. And guess what? He loves you!!! ;)

    And so do I, sister!!

    1. Jen, thank you for being such a consistent encourager. I looked back over the last four years of this blog, and you've been encouraging me from the beginning. I'm very thankful for you! I appreciate the reminder of how God sees me. You and another sweet friend were very quick to preach truth to me after I posted yesterday!

  4. congrats girl for starting the journey. i'm using the walk away the lbs videos too. LOVE THEM. have been using them for over a year now. this is my 3rd time loosing baby weight with them. I've lost 7 lbs. got about 11 to go. I use myfitnesspal too. free a'int bad, huh? I try to exercise 5-6 times a week. you're doing great starting at 3 days goal. congrats on your weight loss so far and I am so proud of you for recognizing all the Godly reasons to do this. LOVE YOU.

    1. Heather, thank you for the encouragement! You're doing great also! Love you!

  5. Girl, I could totally see me the entire time I read this. I cheat on MFP and don't type in everything sometimes, b/c I know it will put me over my limit. You are so much braver than I am to post details.....I wish I could. I am hoping to be 100lbs less this time next year. Would love to go walking sometime together!

    1. I'm of the mentality that even if I'm not open about my struggle, people can see it. One of the last times I went to the doctor, the nurse started the scale at 300+ pounds. I was shocked. That was the first time the nurse didn't start at 200. I realized in that moment that I don't hide my struggle. I wear it in my clothes that don't fit as well as I would like.

      I'd love to walk with you sometime! Maybe one day when I get out of school, because I'm not far from you. With the weather cooling off, walking during the day wouldn't be miserable!

  6. So proud of you!!!! You're an inspiration to me, and my motivation to lose some weight myself!! Love you!!!!
