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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Crank City

Warning: This post has the potential to be very whiny.

I knew it would hit me at some point - you know, that "I really just want to go back to the old way of doing things, because I like the old way of doing things" feeling. It hit me tonight, almost out of the blue. I actually had a pretty good day (truthfully, I've had a pretty good week). I had even just said that I thought our dinner this evening was my favorite meal we've had all week (fish and veggies; entire meal, entree and 2 sides, only 210 calories and 3 fat grams!!). Joseph and I had fun just hanging out and laughing after we used our "100 free calories" to indulge in fat free puddings (YUM!!! and only a wee 60 calories for a sweet treat). Then we went to Walmart, and things started to go down hill.

It wasn't Walmart's fault at all. I actually enjoyed going to Walmart. Joseph and I always have a nice time "running errands" together. Things started going down hill because I'm tired. When I get tired, I get cranky. Combine tired with being sore from the gym and craving everything in sight (cupcakes, candy, and chips, oh my!), and the result is a very whiny Rachelle. Bless Joseph's heart. He was so patient with me as I whined on the way home, whined as I put on my sneakers, and whined as I walked toward the gym like a reluctant 5-year-old going to her room.

Once we got to the gym, though, I was glad we went. While I was still tired and took it at a little slower pace, I knew that going to the gym was a good decision.

I'm still cranky, tired, and a little whiny, but something is definitely different. I haven't walked into the kitchen in search of a food pacifier. I haven't eaten a pint of ice cream or a can of Pringles. The stash of Little Debbie cakes is still untouched. I'm not sitting at Sonic ordering tater tots and a Route 44 Diet Dr Pepper with Vanilla. Instead, I'm acknowledging my state of whininess (hehe, is that a word?), praying that God will help me through it, and blogging about it. Aren't you so glad I gave up Little Debbie cakes and pints of ice cream so I could fill cyberspace with my whininess (hehe, still funny to me)?

Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Tomorrow night is our Meal Off, and Saturday is our Day Off. Explanation: In the Game On Diet, you are allowed one meal off a week and one day off a week. During the meal off, you may eat whatever you want (yep, whatever you want). During the day off, you pretty much don't have to follow any of the rules. You don't have to drink 3 liters of water, you don't have to eat a certain way, you can drink soda, etc. We're looking forward both to the meal off and the day off, but neither of us wants to sabotage our week's progress by overdoing our times off. So, if you'd like a specific way to pray for us, please pray 1) for self-control and 2) that treating ourselves a little during these times would simply be a treat we can enjoy and it won't make it harder for us to stick to our diet plan. Thank you all, my loyal readers. :O)

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