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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Perfect Storm

I chose to draw you in with a catchy title. I hope it worked. Well, I'm assuming it must have, because you're reading this.

Calling this afternoon The Perfect Storm may be a tad dramatic, but it definitely had all of the right elements to destroy my diet. There are a lot of things that lead me to make poor eating decisions. Things such as lack of time, feelings of frustration, being stressed, or sensing that I'm no longer in control. All of these things were present this afternoon, and it would have been incredibly easy to cheat on my diet.

But I had a plan! Yes, a plan! On Sunday, Joseph and I planned out all of our meals for the week. So, this afternoon when I was extremely tempted to grab fast food (one of my biggest downfalls), I was able to avoid that temptation. I knew what I was eating for dinner. The food had been purchased, and it would be quick and simple to eat at home. It felt really good avoiding the temptation to eat fast food! I'm sure it felt better than the momentary satisfaction I would have had gorging myself on fried delicacies.

Just a few highlights of our victories yesterday and today:
  • We scored 94% yesterday and 100% today on the Game On diet.
  • Both yesterday and today, I drank 120 ounces of water!
  • Joseph and I went to the gym together last night and tonight.
  • Joseph and I, inspite of being hungry, have stuck to our meal plan faithfully for two days!

These may seem like small victories, but they add up quickly! I'll keep you posted on our progress, including a report of how much weight we've lost. We report our weight on Saturday, because that will be our day off (more on that another time).

1 comment:

  1. Well done!!! I'm often foiled by the "I just don't feel like cooking" bug! Fair play for sticking to it! Before long, your body will adjust to the new portion sizes, and you won't feel so hungry. Keep it up!!
