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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 3 Weigh In

Just a quick update this week:

  • I exercised 6 days this past week. I've tried walking outside twice, and it feels like the calf muscle on my right leg is being ripped from the bone. I don't like that. The Walk Away the Pounds videos are still my go to workout.
  • I'm doing a little better with water, but there is still room for improvement. Thank you for the helpful suggestions!
  • I'm relearning the saying "Failure to plan is planning to fail." When we have a good plan, we're much more successful. The days we don't have a plan, it's much easier to give in to temptation.
  • Speaking of temptation, it has been fierce this past week! I haven't always fled from it either. Chips were consumed in a Mexican restaurant. There may or may not have been some queso involved. 
  • I'm also relearning that when I give in to temptation once, it gets easier and easier to give in to temptation again. 
  • I lost 3.5 pounds this week, bringing my total weight lost up to 11.6 pounds and my current weight down to 312 pounds. God is good!
  • I'd like to be under 300 pounds before Thanksgiving. I think that's doable at a healthy pace.
  • Joseph and I decided we will be rewarded with $10 cash each time we lose 10 pounds. We can spend it immediately or save it to buy something more expensive. I'm buying sunglasses today. :O)
As promised, here's the first set of comparison photos. I'll post them every 10 pounds. I can't tell a difference. Because of my size, I think I'll need to lose about 30 pounds before there is noticeable change. That's OK. Thank you for all of your prayers and encouragement!



  2. i honestly see a difference in your face and neck - it's actually kind of significant, i think.

  3. Your legs have a slimmer look on your silhouette. Your face is showing it too! Keep it up! : )

  4. Rachelle, I'm loving reading your blog! I'm so encouraged! Keep it up!! Proud of you! Heather Mitchell
